Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wednesday's Weekly Wishes #4

I wish kids were born sleeping through the night.

I wish to leave the world a better place for my children.

I wish for a mini-van, and a maid, and a good nights sleep, or two.

I wish for everyone to be kind, generous, and thoughtful of others this holiday season and ALWAYS.

I wish for hearts of those far from family to be comforted, mine included. I wish for all stomachs to be satisfied, all bodies to be warm with shelter, and all hearts to be filled with love.

I wish for a White Christmas.

I wish to find the beauty in everything.

I wish to stop and savor every second of every moment with my precious children and husband.

I wish to be the absolute best that I can be for my kids, husband, family, friends, and myself.

I wish for peace, in our hearts, in our lives, in our homes, in our world.

I wish for less tears of sorrow and pain, and more of joy.

I wish everyone felt the love and grace of God in their hearts.

I wish for everyone to have a WONDERFUL Christmas, enjoyed with family and friends, and with everyone happy and in good health.


  1. Ditto especially the sleep thru the night. I can't remember what it feels like to sleep thru the night. Happy holidays!!!

  2. I wanted to come by and thank you for your prayers for my parents. I love the post above! I too wish for pretty much the same. And maybe a nice two hour bath : )


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