With only four days until Christmas, I feel my inner Grinch coming out. My to do list is ever-growing, and while I slowly mark one item off, two more items seem to appear. And I don't really feel like I could not do some of these things since I think they're all important.
I've got another baby to look after in my daycare, bringing my total to a 3 & 1/2 year old, three 1 year olds, and a 3 month old. I think I may be going mad. I had to bring out ALL of my old baby things, wash them, set them up, and try to train my kids to stay away from them. I may hurt WC in this process, as he is as stubborn as I am, and he REALLY wants to touch everything. At this very moment, he's swinging the baby swing, saying "Baby KT, Baby KT." OK. He wins.
My kitchen is going to be my permanent place of residence for the next day or so as well. It seems that we've depleted the stock of frozen meals I've prepared, so I have a TON of meat in my fridge waiting to magically be cooked into meals and frozen. At least I will have 4-5 more entrees to add to my freezer. I've also baked FROM SCRATCH 3-4 dozen cookies that are waiting to be decorated with the icing, also made FROM SCRATCH. I don't really have Christmas memories of cookies being made and decorated, but my husband does. I think those are times he treasures and holds dear. I hope our kids will have the same fond memories of cookies. I know AZ really liked getting her hands in the flour and using the cookie cutters to make the cookies. I hope I'm making good memories for her.
And I did finally get all of the Christmas packages together and mailed over the weekend. I also got the Christmas letter written and copied, Christmas cards done, envelopes stuffed, and all mailed out, all 75 of them. Whew! Now I have a mountain of gifts to wrap. I actually do enjoy wrapping and making packages pretty for the recipient, but the looming deadline is quickly approaching.
The Christmas stocking I am cross-stitching for myself just may NOT be done in time for this Christmas. I've made one for everyone else in my family throughout the years, so I'd like one to match, but it seems that I just may not have time to finish it.
I hate that I feel so much stress right now about Christmas because I LOVE giving gifts to friends and family. I LOVE seeing my kids excited about Santa and snow and toys and lights and the tree and everything that has to do with Christmas. I LOVE that they think Christmas cookies and candy canes are so yummy. I'm REALLY looking forward to them seeing the candle light service at church. I'm REALLY looking forward to their amazement that the magic of Santa brings. I'm REALLY looking forward to spending time with my in-laws and sharing a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner with everyone. And I'm REALLY looking forward to having our annual Surf and Turf dinner with my husband on Christmas night.
Christmas is a magical time, especially for kids. I WILL pull out some magic of my own and get all of these things done, and more! And, dag-gone-it, I'm going to do it and be Merry about it. Good-bye Grinch. And MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Leprechaun Cutting Skills
22 hours ago
I'm glad you're getting into the Christmas spirit! Enjoy the holiday season - Merry Christmas!